Why Do People in India Prefer Separate Plates for Rice and Curry When Eating Out?

India, a country known for its diverse culture and rich culinary heritage, has a unique dining etiquette that often intrigues foreigners. One such practice is the preference for separate plates for rice and curry when eating out. This practice, though seemingly simple, is deeply rooted in the Indian tradition and culinary habits. Let’s delve deeper into the reasons behind this preference.

Understanding the Indian Dining Etiquette

Indian dining etiquette is a reflection of the country’s cultural and traditional values. The practice of using separate plates for rice and curry is not just a random preference but is influenced by several factors such as taste, hygiene, and portion control.

Taste and Texture

Indian cuisine is known for its variety of flavors and textures. Rice and curry, though often eaten together, have distinct tastes and textures. By serving them in separate plates, one can enjoy the individual flavors without them mixing up. This also allows one to adjust the ratio of rice to curry according to personal preference.


Hygiene is another important factor. Indians traditionally eat with their hands, and using separate plates for rice and curry helps prevent the mixing of food, keeping the plates clean and the food hygienic.

Portion Control

Separate plates also allow for better portion control. One can decide how much rice or curry they want to consume, helping to prevent overeating. This is particularly useful in restaurants where portion sizes are often larger than what one would normally consume at home.

The Influence of Thalis

Thalis, a popular Indian meal that consists of various dishes served on a single large platter, might seem to contradict the practice of using separate plates. However, even in a thali, each dish is served in a separate small bowl, maintaining the principle of keeping different foods separate.

Preference for Individual Dishes

While thalis offer a variety of dishes, not everyone might like all the dishes served. By ordering rice and curry separately, diners can choose their preferred dishes, ensuring they enjoy their meal to the fullest.


In conclusion, the practice of using separate plates for rice and curry in India is not just a dining habit but a reflection of the country’s culinary tradition and etiquette. It allows for a better appreciation of the individual flavors, maintains hygiene, and enables portion control. So, the next time you dine in an Indian restaurant, don’t be surprised if you see separate plates for rice and curry. It’s all part of the rich Indian dining experience.