The Rise of Sous-Vide: Discover Famous Restaurants and Franchises Embracing this Culinary Trend

Over the past few years, the culinary world has seen a significant rise in the popularity of sous-vide cooking. This French technique, which translates to “under vacuum,” involves sealing food in a plastic bag and cooking it in a water bath at a precise temperature. The result is perfectly cooked food with enhanced flavors and textures. Many famous restaurants and franchises have embraced this trend, incorporating sous-vide into their menus to deliver a unique dining experience to their customers.

What is Sous-Vide?

Sous-vide is a cooking method that uses precise temperature control to achieve perfect, repeatable results that you simply can’t achieve through any other cooking method. The process involves placing ingredients in a sealed bag and cooking them in a water bath at a specific temperature. This method ensures that the food is cooked evenly, retaining its juices and enhancing its flavor.

Famous Restaurants Embracing Sous-Vide

Many high-end restaurants have adopted the sous-vide technique to ensure consistent quality and flavor in their dishes. Here are a few examples:

  • Per Se, New York: This three-Michelin-star restaurant, run by renowned chef Thomas Keller, uses sous-vide for many of its dishes, including its famous “Oysters and Pearls” dish.
  • Alinea, Chicago: Chef Grant Achatz’s restaurant, known for its innovative and artistic approach to cuisine, uses sous-vide to create unique dishes like their Black Truffle Explosion.
  • The Fat Duck, UK: Heston Blumenthal’s three-Michelin-star restaurant is famous for its experimental and scientific approach to cooking, with sous-vide playing a key role in many dishes.

Franchises Incorporating Sous-Vide

It’s not just high-end restaurants that are using sous-vide. Several franchises have also started to incorporate this cooking method:

  • Starbucks: The coffee giant introduced sous-vide egg bites in 2017, which quickly became a customer favorite.
  • Chipotle: The fast-casual chain uses sous-vide to cook its barbacoa and carnitas, ensuring tender and flavorful meat.
  • Panera Bread: This popular bakery-cafe chain uses sous-vide to cook its turkey, resulting in moist and flavorful sandwiches.


The rise of sous-vide cooking is a testament to its ability to deliver consistently excellent results. Whether it’s in a three-Michelin-star restaurant or a popular fast-casual chain, this cooking method is transforming the culinary landscape, offering diners a unique and delicious experience.